Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Damask Wordpress Theme

I was completely immobile in the middle of an undead-infested street staring at the lengthy parable the Molotov described in the air.

"Come ... come on! ... GO! I shouted as fists clenched.

soon began to descend upon the hordes of hell, but to my amazement started to fall too late, inevitably going to happen long and some meters. I closed my eyes in resignation. He had thrown too hard, or maybe it had come too, the fact is that my ace of spades had shod the shot. Had failed. I fell to my knees on the concrete, rendered helpless by my failure. My last hope was fading as green glass bottle that crashed into the asphalt. It was ironic, this was the luck changes so fast.

Suddenly, providence would have it, one of the nameless, moving slowly with languid and listless step towards furious mass that was centered around my old peugeot gray, stood in the path of Molotov. The firebomb early hico is shattered by breaking his knee by spreading its contents throughout.

An intense flare ignited its ragged clothes with a fiery flash, and quickly spread throughout his body. I was stunned when that lonely without a name, become a tea not dead, immutable moved its passage no appetite at the meeting of its kind. Hesitant and stumbling walking without the flames that consumed him with eager greed disturb its determination to reach their brothers.

Every step I took him closer and closer to them and more importantly, the pool of fuel and motor oil that spread slowly and in moderation under the feet of the mayhem unconscious not dead. I could not come to believe, that just came to put one of his flaming shoe sobre aquel espeso líquido inflamable, los infiernos se desencadenarían. La única pregunta que cruzaba por mi mente era “¿su maltrecho cuerpo aguantará lo suficiente para llegar?”

-Sigue…, sigue vamos…-murmuraba para mis adentros cuando apenas 4 metros le separaban de mi venganza.

El sin nombre quedó inmóvil durante un instante, como no encontrando el valor para continuar. Michel contemplaba toda la escena tras el volante del monovolúmen, que mi compañero mantenía con el motor en ralentí, esperando mi vuelta.

-No… no te pares… continúa… ¡¡¡CONTINÚA JODER!!! –Le azuzaba mi amigo choking voice even aware that this creature could not hear him, and to hear you would not understand his words.

The furious flames consumed the unnamed man who appears not to succumb soon transformed into a pyre. Took a further step, after which he fell on the floor. His rotting body said enough.

I turned to take his hands to his head and threw a bunch of plugs that would mourn the baby Jesus, I could not believe it had been so close to doing. Michel, a few meters from my slumped over the wheel. Two meters ... two measly meters accounted for the difference between victory and defeat. However, were more than two meters enough to end our hopes.

I stood in submission and prepared to return to the vehicle. It was all over, had to accept my failure. To move toward him I could see through the windshield as my friend Michel fixing looked after me with dislocated jaw and eyes in disbelief. I turned again on the horizon looking for something that astonished me so mate. Then I saw it.

The puddle of fuel, which was dispersed with delay on the pavement, he was about to reach the burning corpse undead lay between flares in the hard ground. I was going to achieve, without a doubt is going to throw up a time to another. Actually this was the luck changes so fast.

I ran to the minivan, and hopped to his feet. We were both silent with eyes wide open waiting for the inevitable. My revenge was to be fulfilled. The was so close he could almost taste it. It was ten seconds, twenty, but to me seemed like hours. I swallowed and my anxiety before my throat was so dry scraping and mop.

"I will reach my partner ..." He said without looking away from the sweet scene we had front row seats .- He will alcanzaaaar ....!

- If! SI Damn! "I shouted with glee as his fist hit the dashboard of the vehicle when the dark fluid with a mighty flash lit red.

The air seemed to whistle when the ground became a sea of flames. The roaring fire with vivid fury snaked under the rotten stumps of the event that no name was around my car. The flames were scattered everywhere igniting everything in its way, soon the glow began to climb the rotting corpses of a hundred nameless. Soon there would be more than ashes.

felt no pain, no running, screaming in agony and writhing in agony, but it would be more than a pile of smoldering debris of all of them. It was a gruesome spectacle, but for me it was a sweet delight. I left my ecstasy when I remembered the fuel-soaked rope hanging from the fuel tank of my old car ... which meant ...

- Get out of here! "I cried - Start!, Put in reverse, fast!

- What is it that ...?

- My car! It's going to explode! "I interrupted.

did not need to repeat it. My partner introduced the motion, accelerated as he could and we shot crossing the street looking back. Soon reach the end of the street, Michael hit the brakes with all his fury and the wheels were blocked with a loud creak. The van swerved across the road a few meters to hit the ass with a solitary lamp.

At that moment he opened to us the gates of hell.


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