Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Sony 1080p Upconverting Dvd Player
Son las 5 de la mañana. He pasado cerca de 3 horas escribiendo en este pequeño cuaderno todo cuanto ha acontecido en el transcurso de este largo día. El asalto a las calles, recorrer avenidas repletas por las hordas de los sin nombre, el encuentro con Sara y su pequeño hermano Eric, la puerta del almacén oculta tras las estanterías, el regreso a casa, la pequeña celebración de nuestro éxito… todo cuanto recuerdo ha quedado plasmado en esta pequeña libreta. A ojos ajenos puede parecer absurdo malgastar las últimas horas de vida escribiendo un diario, but this book is all that remain of me after my departure.
Indeed, my time is long gone. This morning I was bitten. I'm infected. I'm sorry I said anything, but did not want to spend my final hours in tears and condolences. In a few hours I will be one if not cure, and of course, is still a no name as I wish to end my days. Fortunately, I have an alternative. There will be one of them, ever.
I returned to look at my notes, I've been writing my thoughts in this diéri from the beginning, since the Revelation was unleashed and reread its pages is like reliving a part of my life, the most crucial, in fact. Perhaps the only truly worth remembering. A lot has happened since then. Many horrible, others however, not so bad.
me realize now all that I have changed since this all began. Oddly enough, it is precisely now, during the darkest era that he lives to humanity, when I really started to know myself. When I started walking with my feet and when I started living for someone else who is not only myself.
I've always known that something was missing in my life, I was aware, an emptiness that I was eating the entrails, which could not be filled with nothing I could play with the yolk of the fingers but I never knew exactly. Something I've yet been able to discern for myself when I had done most needed. I discovered that we have been adverse fate, however hard it has been our way, we learned forward. I've noticed that while there is life there is hope, and while there is hope we are not quite finished.
Weep not for me. If anything is to assert my death, is to make you stronger. Although today my life has come to an end, I have lived this day with the intensity of a lifetime. Today for the first time in many years I lived as I wish and now, I will die the same way. For the first time, I am satisfied with myself, and life I've taken.
I left this book in sight for you find it when I'm gone. I regret not having said goodbye to you personally but I hate melodrama. This is my only legacy. I just hope that he would remember that although for me the journey has come to an end, I leave here for 7 people that whatever happens never stop fighting.
Go ahead, live, do it all we were left behind and unfortunately did not survive to see the revival of the age of man, because you know that this era of darkness will pass. I hope you have in life the same hope that I'll take death.
I can only make one thing to do in life, up to Finally roof and see a sunrise.
I do not regret anything.
If I fell, "the resistance" triumphed.
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