I have returned to haunt Gaia Online lately. The amount of variety they have avatars is actually a help when you need to draw new things or challenge yourself with different characters @ w @. The trouble is that boring after a while XD;; So we must take advantage as long ^ ^
's a bit odd that I draw girls with so little clothing = w =, but not something that bothers me and also paid me, so I'm not complaining XD.
I have more and more ideas for new projects and less willing to take much time at my current job = o = U. Although I am happy to work in this area, sometimes do things that touch me bored and that discourages me a little. But I guess that will better accommodate a matter of time ^ ^.
I upload picture of my new kitten! * 3 *, but they are all in my sister's camera, so as soon as you can go to my pc I'll fill your diary with your face ♥
thought I had more things to tell, but I think that sleep is killing me @ ~ @. Thanks for reading! ^ ^
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